Data privacy information

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE. It is important to us to inform you what personal data we collect, how your data is used, and how you can influence the process.

1) Which data is collected, how is it used, and how long is it stored?

a) Processing that is necessary when providing the digital service (Article 6 (1b) GDPR, §25 (2) no. 2 of the German Telecommunications and Telemedia Data Protection Act (Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutz-Gesetz – TTDSG)) 

b) Additional, consent-based processing when providing the digital service, e.g., optional communication channels (Article 6 (1a) GDPR, §25 (1) TTDSG)

  • If you use our digital service, our server will temporarily store the domain name or IP address of your device as well as certain other data, such as the content called up or the answer code.  
  • The data logged is used solely for data security purposes, in particular to protect against attempted attacks on our server. We do not use it to create individual user profiles, nor do we share the data with third parties. It is erased after seven days at the latest. We reserve the right to statistically analyze anonymized data records.
  • When using the website, hereinafter referred to as the digital service, you can obtain information about Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE and the services offered, and send contact requests to Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE. The data you supply when contacting us (last name, first name, email address, optional phone number), the extent of which can be seen in the contact form, is processed exclusively by Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE to respond to inquiries.   

2) Data control for the social media plug-ins and/or links to social media platforms used

Some web pages contain social media buttons of LinkedIn and youtube. You can use these buttons to recommend the service offerings of Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE to your friends and contacts. We only use pictograms from the respective social media network in our digital service. You will only be forwarded to the company website of the respective social media platform if you click on the pictogram. The social media platforms and providers of third-party content that can be accessed by clicking on a pictogram provide their services and process their data under their own responsibility.   

3) Will my usage behavior be evaluated, e.g., for advertising purposes or tracking? 

We want you to enjoy using our digital services and take advantage of our products and services. We analyze your usage behavior on the basis of pseudonymized data so you can find the products that interest you and so we can make our digital service user-friendly. Usage profiles are created to the extent permitted by law. General information about the various purposes of processing is provided below. The "Data processing consent" pop-up that opens when you access our digital service gives you the option of agreeing to data processing or rejecting it in whole or in part. Processing that is necessary to provide the digital service cannot be rejected (see explanation under 1) above). 

a) Strictly necessary processing

Necessary for functional purposes

This processing is necessary to enable you to navigate your way through the digital service and use key functions. It supports basic functions of the digital service. It also serves the purpose of performing an anonymous analysis of user behavior, which we use to continuously develop and improve our digital service for you. The legal basis for this processing is §25 (2) no. 2 TTDSG, Article 6 (1b) GDPR, and, for third countries, Article 44 et seq. GDPR. 

CompanyPurposeStorage periodCountry
Deutsche Telekom  Ensuring CMS functionality  Session cookie (12 months)  Germany  


b) Analytical processing 

This processing helps us to improve our understanding of usage behavior. Analytical processing allows us to collect usage and identification data by first- or third-party providers in pseudonymized usage profiles. We use analytical processing, e.g., to determine the number of individual users of the digital service or to collect technical information when the digital service crashes, and also to analyze user behavior based on pseudonymized data to establish how users interact with the digital service. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 (1a) GDPR. 

CompanyPurposeStorage periodCountry
Mapp (formerly Webtrekk)   Website improvement, fault analysis    Cookie (6 months)    Germany

Cookie settings: You can revisit your Cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences.

4) Where can I find the information that is important to me? 

More information on data privacy when using our products, in particular on intended use, deletion periods, etc., can be found in the data privacy information for the respective product at, in the Telekom Shop, or at

5) What rights do I have? 

You have the right:

a. To request information on the categories of processed data, purposes of processing, any recipients of the data, the planned duration of storage (Article 15 GDPR); 

b. To request that incorrect or incomplete data be rectified or supplemented (Article 16 GDPR);  

c. To withdraw consent at any time with effect for the future (Article 7 (3) GDPR); 

d. To object, on grounds relating to your particular situation (Art. 21 (1) GDPR), at any time with future effect to data processing which is based on a legitimate interest, stating these grounds. You may object to data processing for the purposes of direct marketing at any time without stating these grounds (Art. 21 (2), (3) GDPR); 

e. To request the erasure of data in certain cases under Article 17 GDPR – especially if the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or is unlawfully processed, or you withdraw your consent according to (c) above or object according to (d) above; 

f. To demand, under certain circumstances, the restriction of data where erasure is not possible or the erasure obligation is disputed (Art. 18 GDPR);

g. To data portability, i.e., you can receive the data that you provided to us in a commonly used and machine-readable format such as CSV and can transmit the data to others, where necessary (Article 20 GDPR); 

h. To file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority regarding data processing (for telecommunications contracts: the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI); for any other matters: the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, North Rhine-Westphalia (LDI NRW)). 

6) Who does Deutsche Telekom pass my data on to? 

It is passed on to processors, i.e., companies we commission to process data within the legally defined scope in accordance with Article 28 GDPR (service providers, agents). In this case, Deutsche Telekom also remains responsible for protecting your data. We commission companies in the following areas in particular: IT, sales, marketing, finance, consulting, customer services, HR, logistics, and printing. 

Owing to legal obligations: In certain cases, we are legally obliged to transfer certain data to a state authority that requests it.  

7) Where is my data processed? 

Your data is processed in Germany and other European countries. 

  • Frankfurt/Main
    The application server of the HR portal is located in the AWS cloud (Amazon Web Services Cloud) in Frankfurt/Main, the databases are located in Biere.
  • Berlin
    Webtrekk is based in Berlin, and its servers are located at Q.Beyond/IP Exchange GmbH in Nuremberg.

8) Who is responsible for data processing? Who should I contact if I have any queries regarding data privacy at Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE? 

The data controller is Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE. If you have any queries, please contact our local data privacy team via or our Global Data Privacy Officer, Dr. Claus D. Ulmer, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany,

Data privacy information last revised: May 2024.